关键词:揭秘 不同性别 职业满意 因素 TOP 10

  Men go to work for money while women do it because they enjoy the sense of achievement, a study has found.


  Men chose the financial reward as the main reason for going to work, but women placed money behind the feeling of being good at their chosen profession and using their brain.


  Using modern technology was also a big factor for men with 11 per cent saying it was very important, almost double the six percent of women who picked it.


  Flexible working hours were also a major career consideration for women--but surprisingly nearly one in six men also said it was very important.


  The poll was conducted for www.greatplaces2work.co.uk, the website dedicated to attracting young people to work in the Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism industry.


  A spokesman for greatplaces2work.co.uk said: Its fascinating to note the difference between the sexes when it comes to stimulation factors at work.


  Clearly money will always be a key element in choosing a career but feeling a sense of achievement and using your brain are more important than money to many women today.


  Both found using their brain the third most important factor, with work environment in fourth place.


  The poll of 3,000 workers also revealed more than 18 per cent of Brits arent at all happy in their job, while a third are only marginally satisfied, with only 1 in 10 stating they currently experience a high level of stimulation.


  Construction workers have the best social life at work (55%), closely followed by Media workers (50%). Engineers/Telecoms again trailed at the bottom with only 32% stating they had a social life at work.


  Half said they lack stimulation in their current role with 45 per cent of these workers seeking a major career change in the near future.


  Top of the list of professions looking for a change are those in the armed forces, with 73 percent saying they would like to try their hand at something new.


  Customer services and call centre workers follow close behind with 60 percent planning a new career, along with 43 percent of those in the finance industry.


  Workers from the nursing and health sector were revealed as the happiest workers though with just 31 percent saying they would consider a new career path.


  Life Coach Pete Cohen said: “In the current economic climate, its hardly surprising that so many people are considering a career switch. Employers need to consider a range of factors to keep staff stimulated from providing better skills training to ensuring the office is a fun place to work.”


  Mens top ten factors for job satisfaction 男人职业满意因素前10条

  1.Money 钱

  2.Sense of achievement 成就感

  3.Using your brain 用脑

  4.Working environment 工作环境

  5.Challenging role 挑战性角色

  6.Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间

  7.Work banter 工作谈笑气氛

  8.Team work 团队工作

  9.Technology 技术

  10.Physical work 体力工作


  1.Sense of achievement 成就感

  2.Using your brain 用脑

  3.Money 钱

  4.Working environment 工作环境

  5.Flexible working hours 弹性工作时间

  6.Challenging role 挑战性角色

  7.Team work 团队工作

  8.Work banter 工作谈笑气氛

  9.Technology 技术

  10.Physical work 体力工作