Chapter 1. Summary - 6 -
Selection 1 Reserves and distribution - 6 -
One . Characteristics and quality - 6 -
Two . Reserves statistics - 9 -
Selection 2 Reserves and distributions of anthracite and coke - 11 -
One . Reserves and distribution of anthracite - 11 -
Two . Reserves and distribution of coking coal - 14 -
Chapter 2. Analysis of coal market analysis - 19 -
Selection 1 Analysis of current coal market in china - 19 -
One . Industrial scale - 19 -
Two . Coal output - 21 -
Three . coal sales - 22 -
Selection 2 Analysis and forecast of coal supply and demand - 27 -
One . Analysis of coal output - 27 -
Two . Market demands analysis - 36 -
Three . Analysis and forecast of 2008-2012 coal output - 40 -
Four . Analysis and forecast of 2008-2012 China anthracite and coking coal output - 44 -
Chapter 3. Price analysis of anthracite and coking coal - 47 -
Selection 1 Analysis of anthracite price in 2003-2007 - 47 -
One . Analysis of the national anthracite price - 47 -
Two . Analysis of Guizhou anthracite price - 48 -
Three . Analysis of Shanxi anthracite price - 49 -
Selection 2 Analysis of 2003-2007 coking coal price - 50 -
One . Analysis of national coking coal price - 50 -
Two . Analysis of Shanxi coking coal price - 51 -
Three . Analysis of Guizhou coking coal price - 52 -
Selection 3 Analysis and forecast of 2008-2012 anthracite and coking coal price - 53 -
One . Analysis of national anthracite and coking coal price - 53 -
Two . Price analysis of Shanxi anthracite and coke - 64 -
Three . Analysis of Guizhou anthracite and coking coal price - 66 -
Chapter 4. Analysis of import and export - 67 -
Selection 1 Analysis of import and export of anthracite - 67 -
One . Analysis of Import and Export of anthracite in 2003-2007 - 67 -
Two . Analysis of anthracite export in 2003-2007 - 69 -
Selection 2 Analysis of import and export of coking coal - 72 -
One . Analysis of coking coal import in 2003-2007 - 72 -
Two . Analysis of coking coal export in 2003-2007 - 75 -
Selection 3 Forecast for coal import and export situation - 77 -
Selection 4 Forecast for import and export of anthracite - 81 -
Selection 5 Forecast for import and export of coke - 84 -
Chapter 5. China’s major anthracite mining area - 87 -
Selection 1 Shanxi mining area - 87 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 87 -
Two . Output of anthracite - 87 -
Three . Distribution capacity - 88 -
Selection 2 Henan anthracite mining area - 91 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 91 -
Two . Output of anthracite - 92 -
Three . Transportation capacity - 93 -
Selection 3 Key mining areas in Jianxi - 93 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 93 -
Two . Anthracite output - 94 -
Three . Transportation capacity - 95 -
Selection 4 Mojor mining areas in Guizhou - 95 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 95 -
Two . Anthracite output - 96 -
Three . Transportation capacity - 96 -
Selection 5 Laochang mining area in Yunnan - 97 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 97 -
Two . Anthracite output - 97 -
Three . Transportion capacity - 98 -
Selection 6 Zigui coalfields in Hubei province - 98 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 98 -
Two . Anthracite output - 99 -
Three . Transportation capacity - 99 -
Selection 7 Major mining areas in Hunan province - 100 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 100 -
Two . Anthracite output - 100 -
Three . Transportation Capacity - 101 -
Selection 8 Inner Mongolia - 101 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 101 -
Two . Anthracite output - 102 -
Three . Transportation Capacity - 102 -
Selection 9 Mojor anthracite mining areas in Sichuan province - 102 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 102 -
Two . Anthracite output - 103 -
Three . Transportation Capacity - 103 -
Selection 10 Major coalfields in Guangdong and Hainan - 104 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 104 -
Two . Anthracite output - 104 -
Selection 11 Luocheng coalfield in Guanxi - 104 -
One . Anthracite reserves - 104 -
Two . Anthracite output - 106 -
Three . Transportation Capacity - 107 -
Chapter 6. China's major coking coal enterprises - 108 -
Selection 1 Shanxi Coking Coal Group - 108 -
One . production capacity - 110 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 110 -
Three . Capital operation - 111 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 111 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 111 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 112 -
Selection 2 Kailuan Group Co., Ltd - 112 -
One . Production capacity - 113 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 114 -
Three . Capital operation - 114 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 114 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 114 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 115 -
Selection 3 Taihe Washed Coal Group - 115 -
One . Production capacity - 115 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 117 -
Three . Capital operation - 117 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 117 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 117 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 118 -
Selection 4 Yankuang Group - 118 -
One . Production capacity - 118 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 119 -
Three . Capital operation - 119 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 119 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 119 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 120 -
Selection 5 Zaozhuang Mining (Group) Limited Liability Company - 121 -
One . Production capacity - 121 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 121 -
Three . Capital operation - 121 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 122 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 122 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 124 -
Selection 6 Xinwen Mining Group Co ., ltd. - 126 -
One . Production capacity - 126 -
Two . Analysis of reservesReserves analysis - 127 -
Three . Capital operation - 127 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 128 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 128 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 129 -
Selection 7 Fengfeng Group - 130 -
One . Production capacity - 130 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 130 -
Three . Capital operation - 130 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 131 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 131 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 131 -
Selection 8 Pingdingshan Coal Industry (Group) Company Ltd. - 132 -
One . Production capacity - 132 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 132 -
Three . Capital operation - 133 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 135 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 136 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 137 -
Selection 9 Haibei Mining Group - 137 -
One . Production capacity - 137 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 138 -
Three . Capital operation - 138 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 139 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 139 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 140 -
Selection 10 Shenhua Group Limited Liability Company - 140 -
One . Production capacity - 140 -
Two . Analysis of reserves - 141 -
Three . Capital operation - 143 -
Four . Analysis of profit - 145 -
Five . Analysis of sales channels - 146 -
Six . Competitive advantages - 146 -
Chart Content
Chart 1:Summary table of coal resources in 1999 - 13 -
Chart 2:Distribtion of coal resources - 14 -
Chart 3:minable reserves of major producing provinces in 2001 - 17 -
Chart 4:Reserves and resources of coking coal by districts in 2001 - 19 -
Chart 5:Major provinces with coking coal resources in 2001 - 20 -
Chart 6:Statistics of coal mining and washing industry scale - 22 -
Chart 7:Statistics of enterprises in coal mining and washing industry,2003 - February, 2008 - 22 -
Chart 8:Average number of employees and growth rates in coal mining and washing industry in 2003-February 2008 - 23 -
Chart 9:Total assets and growth rates of coal mining and washing industry in 2003- February 2008 - 23 -
Chart 10:Statistics of coal output in 2003-2007 - 25 -
Chart 11:Monthly coal sales and growth rates in 2005-2007 - 25 -
Chart 12: Growth rate comparison of coal outputs and sales - 26 -
Chart 13:Price trend in Datong (Unit: yuan/ton) - 28 -
Chart 14:Uptrend of coking coal price(including taxes) in Liulin, shanxi - 28 -
Chart 15:Austrilia power coal price within uptrend (Unit: yuan/ton) - 29 -
Chart 16:Output proportions of major coal producing provinces in 2007 - 30 -
Chart 17:Coal output growth rate comparison of the major coal provinces in 2007 - 31 -
Chart 18:Statistics of row coal output, growth rate and proportion in 2007 - 31 -
Chart 19:raw coal output by region in 2003- Februry 2008 - 32 -
Chart 20:Structure of the anthracite producing districts in 2007 - 34 -
Chart 21:the top three anthracite producing aeras proportions of the national output in 2003-2007 - 34 -
Chart 22:Anthracite Output of the top 20 provinces in 2003-2007 - 34 -
Chart 23:Output proportion of the top 20 provinces in 2002-2007 - 35 -
Chart 24:Anthracite output proportions of the three major producing provinces in 2002-2007 - 36 -
Chart 25:Distribution of the coking coal production in 2007 - 37 -
Chart 26:Coking coal output proportions of the three major producing provinces in 2003-2007 - 37 -
Chart 27:Coking coal output of the major producing provinces in 2003-2007 - 38 -
Chart 28:Coking coal output proportion of major producing provinces in 2003-2007 - 39 -
Chart 29:Thermal power generation capacity and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 40 -
Chart 30:Pig iron output and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 40 -
Chart 31:Cement output and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 41 -
Chart 32:Output and growth rate of synthetic ammonia in 2003-2007 - 41 -
Chart 33:Annual consumption of four major coal comsumption industries - 42 -
Chart 34: Annual coal consumption of four industries in 2000-2007 - 42 -
Chart 35:growth rate comparison between fix-assets investment of coal industry and output of key state-owned mines - 43 -
Chart 36:Changes of the coal industry structure in 2003-2007 - 44 -
Chart 37:Social stock of coal in Jul 2006- Nov 2007 - 44 -
Chart 38:Port stock of coal in July 2006- November 2007 - 45 -
Chart 39:Coal railway transport capacity in Mar 2006-Sep 2007 - 45 -
Chart 40:Forecast of raw coal output in 2008-2012 - 46 -
Chart 41:Anthracite output plot in 2003-2007 - 47 -
Chart 42: Regression analysis of anthracite output - 48 -
Chart 43:Forecast of anthracite output in 2008-2012 - 48 -
Chart 44: Forecast of coking coal output in 2008-2012 - 48 -
Chart45:Anthracite price trend of the PRC (2003 to 2008 Q1) unit: Yuan/ton - 51 -
Chart46: Anthracite price trend of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province (2003 to 2008 Q1) - 52 -
Chart47: Trend of anthracite price in Yangquan, Shanxi in 2003-2007 - 52 -
Chart48: Trend of coking coal price in 2003-2007 - 53 -
Chart49: Trend of coking coal price in Linfen, Shanxi in 2003-2007 - 54 -
Chart50: coking coal price in Linfen, Shanxi in 2003-2007 - 54 -
Chart51:Trend of coking coal price in Liupanshui, Guizhou in 2003-2007 - 55 -
Chart 52:List of anthracite price, GDP, coal supply and demand gap in 2000-2007 in China - 56 -
Chart 53: Regression analysis of anthracite price (1) - 56 -
Chart 54:Regression analysis of anthracite price (2) - 56 -
Chart 55:China’s steam coal demand within uptrend in 2008-2012 - 58 -
Chart 56:China’s metallurgical coal demand in 2008-2012 - 59 -
Chart 57:Output forecast of major coal-chemical products - 60 -
Chart 58:Annual coal Consumption of Four Major downstream indusries in 2000-2007 - 61 -
Chart 59:Forecast of coal demand of four major downstream industries in 2008-2012 - 62 -
Chart 60:Forecast of China’s coal demand in 2008-2012 - 62 -
Chart 61: the gap between supply and demand in 2008-2012 - 63 -
Chart 62:Forecast of China's GDP and coal supply and demand gap in 2008-2012 - 64 -
Chart 63:Forecast of anthracite price in 2008-2012 - 64 -
Chart 64:relativity between anthracite and coking coal price in 2003-2007 - 66 -
Chart65:Forecast of anthracite and coking coal price trend in 2008-2012 - 67 -
Chart 66:Growth rate of anthracite and coking coal price in 2008-2012 - 67 -
Chart67:Price forecast of Shanxi coking coal in 2008-2012 - 67 -
Chart68: Price forecast of coking coal of Linfen,Shanxi in 2008-2012(Unit: yuan/ton) - 68 -
Chart69: Forecast of anthracite coal price trend in Shanxi in 2008-2012 - 68 -
Chart70: Forecast of anthracite price in Yangquan, Shanxi in 2008-2012 - 69 -
Chart71:Forecast of anthracite price of Guizhou (2007 to 2012) - 69 -
Chart72: Guizhou price forecasts for anthracite and coke in 2008-2012 - 69 -
Chart 73:Statistics of China anthracite import in 2003-2007 - 70 -
Chart 74:Anthracite import volume and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 71 -
Chart 75:Anthracite import value and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 71 -
Chart 76:Average price of Anthracite import in 2003-2007 - 72 -
Chart 77:Statistics of China anthracite export in 2003-2007 - 72 -
Chart 78:Anthracite export volume and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 73 -
Chart 79:Anthracite export value and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 74 -
Chart 80:Average price of anthracite export in 2003-2007 - 74 -
Chart 81:Statistics of coking coal import in 2003-2007 - 75 -
Chart 82:Statistics of coking coal import volume and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 76 -
Chart 83:Statistics of coking coal import value and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 77 -
Chart 84:Average price of coking coal import in 2003-2007 - 77 -
Chart 85:Statistics of coking coal export in 2003-2007 - 78 -
Chart 86:Statistics of coking coal export volume and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 79 -
Chart 87:Statistics of coking coal export value and growth rate in 2003-2007 - 79 -
Chart 88:Average price change of coking coal export in 2003-2007 - 79 -
Chart 89:Coal import and export volume comparison in 1996-2007 - 83 -
Chart 90:Anthracite comsumption balance sheet in 2003-2007 - 85 -
Chart 91:Supply and demand volume comparison of Anthracite in 2003-2007 - 85 -
Chart 92:Import and export volume comparison of anthracite in 2003-2007 - 85 -
Chart 93:Coking coal comsumption balance sheet in 2003-2007 - 88 -
Chart 94:Comparison of coking coal import and export volume growth rate in 2003-2007 - 89 -
Chart 95:Reserves of Shan’xi’s major minefields in 2006 - 90 -
Chart 96:Identified reserves in Shan’xi in 2006 - 90 -
Chart 97:Output of key state-owned large-scale mines in 2006 in Shanxi - 91 -
Chart98:Coal transport volume by railway in 2003-2007 - 92 -
Chart99:Coal transport volume by Daqin railway in 2003-2007 - 92 -
Chart100:Porportion of Daqin railway coal transport volume in 2003-2007 - 93 -
Chart 101:Proven reserves of Henan’s mojor large mining area - 94 -
Chart 102:Anthracite output of Henan’s key mining areas in 2006 - 95 -
Chart 103:Recoverable reserves and output in Pingxiang mining area in 2005 - 97 -
Chart 104:Anthracite output of key state-owned mines in 2006 in Jiangxi - 97 -
Chart 105:Anthracite reserves in major mining areas in Guizhou - 98 -
Chart 106:Anthracite output in major mining areas in Guizhou in 2006 - 99 -
Chart 107:Reserves of Laochang mining area in Yunnan - 100 -
Chart 108:Reserves in Zigui coalfields in Hubei province - 102 -
Chart 109:Anthracite reserves in Hunan’s major mining areas - 103 -
Chart 110:Anthracite out in Hunan’s major mining areas in 2006 - 103 -
Chart 111: Anthracite output of mojor mining areas in Inner Mongolia in 2006 - 105 -
Chart 112: Anthracite output of major mining areas in Sichuan in 2006 - 106 -
Chart 113:Reserves of major mines and Exploration areas of Luocheng coalfield - 107 -
Chart 114:Anthracite output of major mining area in Guangxi in 2006 - 109 -
Chart 115:Distribution of subsidiaries and branch companies of shanxi coking coal group - 112 -
Chart 116:Mines of TaiHe Washed Coal Mining (Group) Company Ltd - 119 -
Chart 117:Sales network of Yankuang Group - 122 -
Chart 118:Sales network and market distribution of Zaozhuang Mining Group - 125 -
Chart 119:Transportation management of Zaozhuang Mining Group - 126 -
Chart 120: Capital operation of Xinwen Mining Group - 130 -
Chart 121:Sales network of Xinwen Mining Group - 131 -
Chart 122:Management and development capacity indicators of Tianan, Pingdingshan - 136 -
Chart 123:Assets and liabilities of Tianan, Pingdingshan in 2004-2007 - 137 -
Chart 124:Profit structure and Profitability indicators of Tianan, Pingdingshan in 2004-2007 - 138 -
Chart 125:Total profits of Huaibei mining in 2003-2006 - 142 -
Chart 126:Output of Shenhua group in 2004-2007 - 144 -
Chart 127:Coal reserves and resources of Shenhua group by June, 2007 - 145 -
Chart 128:Coal output of Shenhua group’s key mining areas in 2004-2007 - 145 -
Chart 129:Management and development capacity indicators of Shenhua group in 2005-2007 - 146 -
Chart 130:Assets and liabilities indicators of shenhua group - 147 -
Chart 131:Profit structure and profitability indicators of Shenhua group in 2004-2007 - 148 -