〖 Description 〗

  Two of China's mobile operators, China Mobile and China Unicom, have been providing streaming mobile TV since 2004 over their cellular networks, and the service has drawn a lot of attention from the telecom and broadcasting markets. However, two problems need to be addressed before mobile TV can be widely adopted: 1)standard selection; and 2)an effective business model.
  The mobile TV standard issue in China is rather complicated. At this point, SAC has recognized four home-grown mobile TV standards: 1)DMB-T/H from Legend Silicon and Tsinghua; 2)T-MMB from Nufront; 3)CDMB from the China Association for Standardization (CAS); and 4)CMB from Huawei. The last standard, CMB, is a form of cell broadcasting on cellular networks; the other three are broadcast television solutions.
  This report examines the industrial maturity of these domestic broadcasting technologies and identifies those that are more promising. In addition, it proposes an effective business model for mobile TV in China and examines the challenges and opportunities it will bring to the cell phone and other portable device markets. The report also includes information about consumer attitudes and preferences with regard to mobile TV service. This data was obtained via a mass survey conducted in March 2007.

〖 Contents 〗

• Executive Summary
• Introduction
• Mobile TV Regulation
o Regulatory Agencies
o SARFT and MII Competition
• Dynamics of China’s Mobile TV Ecosystem
o Licensing Update
o Streaming Mobile TV Service in China
o Broadcasting Mobile TV Trials
 DVB-H Trial Network
 T-DMB Trial Network
• Standards Competition
 Chipset
 Equipment
 Terminal
 Field Tests
 Transmission System
 Receiver Chipset and Terminal
 Test
 Chipset
 Equipment
 Terminal
 Overview
o Standards Evaluation
• Market Demand
o Potential-User Acceptance
o Watching Mobile TV
o Time Spent Watching
o Key Success Factors (KSFs) of Mobile TV
• Business Model Analysis
o Cellular and Broadcast Mobile TV Comparison
 Coverage
 Data Rate
 Cost
 Content, Interactivity, and Customization
o Can Broadcasters Find a Business Model without Telecom Operators?
 Case Study: Feed and Free Mobile TV Service in South Korea
o Cooperation: Broadcasting and Interactivity
o Mobile TV Will Go Beyond Handsets
 TV Wedding Service by GGTV
• End-Device Will be Media-Producing Center
o Multi-Standard Enabled
o Challenges to End-Device
o PMP Opportunity in Mobile TV
• Market Forecasts
o TiMiTech
o Legend Silicon
o Nufront Software
 T-DMB Trial Network
 Cellular Streaming
o Beijing Radio
• Methodology
• Glossary
• Related In-Stat Reports
List of Tables
• Table 1. Mobile TV Content License Owners
• Table 2. Streaming Mobile TV Subscribers (in Thousands)
• Table 3. Participants in Various Domestic Mobile TV Standards
• Table 4. Broadcast and Cellular Content Comparison
• Table 5. Mobile TV Subscriber Forecast by Type (in Millions)
List of Figures
• Figure 1. Mobile TV Subscriber Forecast, 2007–2011
• Figure 2. Organizations Related to Mobile TV
• Figure 3. Structure of SARFT
• Figure 4. Mobile TV Standards
• Figure 5. Diagram of CMB Standard
• Figure 6. Respondent Attitudes to Mobile TV
• Figure 7. Where Would You Watch Mobile TV?
• Figure 8. How Long Would You Spend Watching Mobile TV?
• Figure 9. KSFs of Mobile TV
• Figure 10. Preferred Monthly Spending on Mobile TV (US$)
• Figure 11. Cellular and Broadcast Mobile TV Comparison
• Figure 12. Broadcaster-Led Business Model
• Figure 13. Possible Cooperation between Telcos and Broadcasters
• Figure 14. Functions Current Users Want
• Figure 15. T-DMB-Enabled PMP by BBEF
• Figure 16. Mobile TV Subscriber Forecast, 2007–2011
• Figure 17. Structure of SMEG
• Figure 18. Respondent Ages
• Figure 19. Respondent Personal Income (US$)
• Figure 20. Respondent Monthly Cost of Mobile Services (US$)