1 Development Trend of Cement Industry ........4
1.1 Low Concentration Degree and Unbalanced Structure of China’s Cement Industry .............4
1.2 Giving Policy Support to Major Enterprises and Eliminating Draggling Enterprises through
Structural Adjustment ........5
1.3 Restriction in Sales Radius Determines the Regional Characteristics of Cement Products........6
1.4 Transformation of China’s Domestic Market from Regional to National Competition .........7
1.5 Expectable Benefit Rebound of China’s Cement Industry in the Forthcoming Two Years.....9
2 More Prosperous Cement Industry in 2007 . 11
2.1 Cement Output in Jan-Mar 2007........... 11
2.2 Economic Benefit of Cement Industry in Jan-Mar 2007 ....12
2.3 Import and Export Statistics of Cement in Jan-Mar 2007 ..13
2.4 Steadily Rebounded Cement Price in Jan-Mar 2007.........16
2.5 Pressure on Cement Cost from Appreciation of Coal and Electricity in 200718
2.6 Predicted New Record in Industry Profit in 2007...............19
3 Annual Report 2006 and Quarterly Report (2007Q1) of Listed Cement Companies............20
3.1 Overall Situation of China's Listed Cement Companies ....20
3.2 Information from Annual Report in 200623
3.3 Information from Q1 Report of 2007......25
4 Analysis on Major Listed Cement Companies.........................28
4.1 Conch.......................28
4.2 Huaxin......................29
4.3 Jidong ......................30
Chart Index:
China’s Cement Output, 1996-2006............10
Growth Rate of Cement Output in China’s Major Regions ...... 11
Part Economic Indicators of Key Linking Cement Enterprises, 2007Q1..............12
Cement Import Statistics, Jan-Mar 2007 .....14
Cement Export Statistics, Jan-Mar 2007 .....15
Trend in Tax-Included Factory Price of P.O42.5 Cement of Regional Key Linking Cement
Trend in Tax-Included Factory Price of P.O32.5 Cement of Regional Key Linking Cement
Output and Profitability of Key Cement Listed Companies (I) .21
Output and Profitability of Key Cement Listed Companies (II) 22
Total Profit of 22 Cement Companies, 2005/2006...................24
Profitability of 22 Cement Companies, 2005-2006 (I)..............25
Profitability of 22 Cement Companies, 2005-2006 (II).............25
Profit Comparison of 22 Cement Companies, 2006Q1-2007Q1 .........................26
Profitability Comparison of 22 Cement Companies, 2006Q1-2007Q1 (I)............27
Profitability Comparison of 22 Cement Companies, 2006Q1-2007Q1 (II)...........27
Equity of Other Cement Companies Held by Conch Group ....29
Profitability Forecast of Conch Cement.......29
Profit Forecast of Huaxin.30
Profit Forecast of Jidong .............................31