Obama, WiMAX and 1 Mbps HDTV at the 2008 Democratic National Convention (DNC), by industry veteran, Frank Ohrtman, is must reading for anyone considering the many enterprise applications for WiMAX. The report includes analysis provided by Mr. Ohrtman and a case study presented by KMGH's use HDTV over a WiMAX network implemented and operated by Mr. Ohrtman and his company, WMX Systems. WiMAX and video conferencing vendors, telecommunications service providers, telecommunications investors and any stakeholders in the fast moving field of broadband communications will find the information and insights invaluable.
Key Findings
HDTV over WiMAX services in the above markets are estimated to achieve as much as $12.5 billion market value by 2014.
WiMAX vendors will learn that HDTV is a very lucrative niche market for those willing to focus on it and adjust their sales and marketing strategy accordingly
Service providers will learn from this real-world case study that HDTV over WiMAX has powerful applications for enterprise videoconferencing, video surveillance, residential, triple or quadruple play, distance learning and telemedicine.
Key lessons learned from WiMAX operation in which 1 Mbps High Definition TV (HDTV) news reports were uploaded over WiMAX by ABC affiliate KMGH during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO
The broadcast TV industry is now free from expensive satellite or microwave trucks to support newsgathering.
Any one with a digital video camera, the appropriate encoding/decoding device and a WiMAX connection can gather the same reports live and distribute via the internet thus braking a near-monopoly on broadcast spectrum, distribution and infrastructure (towers, transmitters, and other radio equipment)
Target Audience
Cellular carriers: HDTV over WiMAX disrupts their traditional business
Broadband wireless service providers: Discover a new market and service opportunity for WiMAX
WiMAX equipment and network device suppliers: Discover lucrative market applications for WiMAX as an $11 billion market will drive demand for many network deployments and a wide range of network devices
Health care providers: There is the potential to save billions of dollars in annual expenses (transportation, manpower, etc) using HDTV over WiMAX to service patients
Educators: Will gain insight into the billions of dollars that can be saved using distance learning applications via HDTV over WiMAX
Insurance industry: Will understand that billions of dollars in claims can be avoided via video surveillance via HDTV over WiMAX and reduced health care claims via telemedicine via HDTV over WiMAX
Other equipment and service providers: Videoconferencing vendors and service providers, video encoding equipment vendors, including vendors of IPTV products
Executive Summary 3
Why WiMAX for Broadcast TV Industry? 4
Cheaper (CAPEX) 4
Cheaper (OPEX) 5
Simpler and more convenient to use 6
Smaller 7
Importance of "cheaper, simpler, smaller, more convenient to use" in news gathering 8
Potential Objections to WiMAX in the Broadcast Industry 9
Range and Throughput 9
Quality of Service (QoS) 10
Security 12
Enabling video compression technologies: the other half of the equation 13
HD at 1 Mbps?: HD recording and streaming live anywhere, any time 13
Standards 14
Cameras 15
Audio Factors 15
Echo Cancellation 16
The Audio Secret Sauce: Compression Algorithms and "wideband" 16
Applications 17
Broadcast TV 17
Lesser broadcasters/news gatherers 17
Traveling broadcasters 17
Video Conferencing 18
Distance learning 18
Telemedicine 18
The market implications for WiMAX-based HD video services 19
HD Video Conferencing for the Enterprise 20
HDTV for WiMAX Residential Triple Play or Quadruple Play 20
HD Video Surveillance for the Enterprise 20
What is the market for WiMAX-based HD video services? 21
Broadcast Industry 21
Video Conferencing 21
Video Surveillance 22
HDTV in Residential Triple or Quadruple Play 22
Telemedicine 22
Medical Imaging 22
Case study: WiMAX services for TV broadcaster during 2008 Democratic National Convention 23
Conclusion 25
Figures and Tables
Figure 1 KMGH used WiMAX services from WMX Systems and Nth Air to upload video content from the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver
Figure 2 Invesco Field August 28, 2008-are all those satellite trucks really necessary?
Figure 3 Compare WiMAX subscriber station (top of SUV, left) to satellite dish. Many efficiencies follow.
Figure 4 Video editing stations: WiMAX on the left (a Denver Starbucks) and a satellite truck on the right
Figure 5 How do you get your tape to the satellite truck when you are on the wrong side of the police line?
Figure 6 WiMAX performance parameters make it a very competitive alternative to satellite services for the broadcast industry
Figure 7 WiMAX security: authentication and encryption
Figure 8 Field-testing for WiMAX and HD camera with laptop-sized encoder
Figure 9 Advances in compression technology and WiMAX make 1 Mbps HD video viable
Figure 10 KMGH covered daily Democratic national Convention press conferences from the Colorado Convention Center using WiMAX to backhaul content to their studios
Table 1: Pros and Cons of WiMAX and other wireless uploading solutions
Table 2: WiMAX prioritizes video traffic over other uses ensuring a high level of quality of service (QoS)
Table 3: Annual Revenue by Application for WiMAX
Table 4: Savings by KMGH in using WiMAX and an HD video solution during the Democratic National Convention