

The reference to the Battleground refers to one segment of the larger clash between the cable, telecommunications and satellite service provider industries which are actively building out and providing similar consumer service offerings which provide voice, video and data. Service providers, primarily those with legacy telephony distribution networks, are utilizing IPTV technology for all or part of their video delivery system. The promise of this technology should include acceleration of their ability to deliver enhanced television services and change the way television is used by consumers. The Battleground for customer loyalty will increasingly be influenced not only by the technology deployed, but also by changes in regulatory policy, the competitive trends in the supply of content, and demographic changes in population.

IPTV Applications - Enhanced Television Applications as a Battleground for Customer Loyalty represents a detailed strategic guide and insider view of the current market changes in the clash between the New Media Titans. It addresses the role of the traditional media provider (cable, telecom, satellite) role in delivering enhance IP based services via television. This publication is a look into the industry direction over the next 24 months and identifies opportunities for industry opportunities for products, services, investment, and M&A.

Key Highlights

IPTV and Enhanced Television Applications

Enhanced television application concepts are not new
Limited availability of IPTV platforms hurts ability to monetize innovation
IPTV Ecosystem Capabilities

IPTV Ecosystem components potentially improve efficiency and lower cost of enhanced application deployment.
Concerns regarding content security are abating but preventing reincarnation of the original "Napster" remains a priority
Competitive platforms (MHP, Tru2Way) address far greater base of users. Internet delivery to enabled televisions could bypass IPTV providers.
Service Provider Priorities Affect Deployment Timing

Competition for bundled services leads to focus on core services
Enhanced applications interesting but assessing consumer value difficult
Enhanced apps must 'first, do no harm' to core service offering performance and reliability and should reinforce value of triple play services
Enhanced Applications Potential Varies by Category

Commercial issues between content and service providers complicate enhancing premiere national content.
Personalized information applications provide low hanging fruit
Web based content can expand localized offerings if secure
Blended applications provide options that meet competition
Network based applications provide potential to build loyalty without complications of content negotiations
Opportunity Expands with Subscriber Base

Growth of IPTV subscriber base will expand opportunity
$1 Billion in Economic impact for US Service Providers by 2012

Target Audience

Investment Bankers, Financial Institutions, Hedge Fund Managers, C-Level Corporate Executives, Business Development, Strategic Company Direction, Technologists, Ad Networks, Ad Revenue, Content Creators, Content Aggregators, Content Providers, Media Companies, Cable, Satellite, Telecommunications, Network Distribution, Networking Companies, QoS and QoE Equipment Providers, IPTV, ITV, Media Cache Farms, Network Groomers, Video Search Engines. Web Portals, Web Content Hosting


Executive Summary.
The Future was Supposed to be Here by Now..
IPTV Ecosystems Enabling Applications.
IPTV Ecosystem Definition.
Competitive Ecosystems – Digital Broadcast and Satellite.
Over the Top Ecosystems.
IPTV Application Category Definitions.
Service Provider Platform Considerations – Telco, Cable and Satellite.
Quality of Service Priorities.
Market and Competitive Factors.
Security and Privacy – Not all Peers are Equal
Content Applications – Delivering the Entire User Experience.
Enhanced Television.
Enhanced and Telescoping Advertising.
Widgets/Customized Information Overlays.
Web based Channels.
Blended Applications – Where PC Apps Meet TV..
Personal Media Access.
Interactive Game Channels.
Network Applications – Voice, Video & Data.
Telephony Related Applications (Caller ID; Messages)
What Does it All Mean?.
IPTV Application Economic Potential
Content Application Financial Impact
Blended Application Financial Impact
Network Application Financial Impact
Summary Financial Impact for Applications.
Who Wins?.
Who Looses?.

Appendix A: Companies Covered

List of Figures

Figure 1 IPTV Application Ecosystem.
Figure 2 Motorola KreaTV™ Application Platform.
Figure 3 Market Share of High Speed Lines As of June 30, 2007.
Figure 4 Maximum Data Rates by Technology.
Figure 5 US Zip Codes with Multple High Speed Data Providers.
Figure 6 Enhanced Television Example - Ensequence Spike TV Video Game Awards.
Figure 7 Telescoping Advertising Example 1 - Icon Presentation Etc.tv.
Figure 8 Telescoping Advertising Example 2 - Navigation Options Etc.tv.
Figure 9 Widget Example - Verizon FiOS TV Service.
Figure 10 Texas Hold'em HD Game Example - Accedo Broadband.
Figure 11 HD Sudoku Game Example - Accedo Broadband.
Figure 12 On Screen Caller ID Display Example - Integra5.
Figure 13 SMS Display on TV - Integra5.
Figure 14 On Screen Voicemail Notification Example - Integra5.
Figure 15 On Screen Call Log Display Example - Integra5.
Figure 16 Projected US IPTV Subscribers.
Figure 17 Summary Application Financial Impact