
Door exports from China are rising about 40 percent annually in value terms. Growth in the coming months, however, is expected to slow as suppliers cope with numerous challenges that are rapidly eating into margins and eroding their price advantage.

Foremost is the continuous rise in the cost of key materials such as wood and coldrolled steel, brought about primarily by a shortage in supply.

In addition, companies are coping with the appreciation of the yuan and the slowdown in orders from the US.

These factors are now forcing some suppliers to shift their focus back to the domestic market where demand remains strong thanks to the construction boom.

Nonetheless, a number of exporters are expanding their portfolios by releasing contemporary designs and models with improved protective features.

This report will guide you through this changing industry. It will help you:


Executive Summary

Industry Overview
Supplier summary
Export statistics
Main production center
Supplier demographics

Supplier Profiles
Supplier locations
Industry composition
Exporter ranking
Supplier matrix

Product Gallery
Top-selling export products