The new private owners of Madagascar's incumbent telco, Telma, have managed to almost double the number of fixed line customers in 2006 alone after years of stagnation, albeit from a very low base. They also entered the mobile market successfully as the country's third player. Penetration rates in both sectors are still extremely low, promising excellent growth potential. Pent-up demand for Internet access and broadband capabilities, resulting from the traditionally underdeveloped fixed network, will continue driving both market sectors. With one of the lowest GDPs per capita in the world, there will be limits to the growth of Madagascar's telecoms market, but plans to exploit and export crude oil and natural gas reserves may deliver a boost to the economy. This report provides an overview of the country’s telecoms sector, relevant statistics and scenario forecasts to the years 2010 and 2015.
- 1. Synopsis
- 2. Key statistics
- 3. Telecommunications market
- 3.1 Overview of Madagascar’s telecom market
- 3.1 Overview of Madagascar’s telecom market
- 4. Regulatory environment
- 4.1 Telecommunications reform
- 4.2 National ICT Policy
- 4.3 Regulatory authority
- 4.3.1 Office Malagasy d’Etudes et de Regulation des Telecommunications
- 4.3.1 Office Malagasy d’Etudes et de Regulation des Telecommunications
- 4.4 Privatisation of Telecom Malagasy (Telma)
- 4.1 Telecommunications reform
- 5. Fixed network operators in Madagascar
- 5.1 Telecom Malagasy
- 5.1 Telecom Malagasy
- 6. Telecommunications infrastructure
- 6.1 National telecom network
- 6.2 International infrastructure
- 6.3 Forecast - fixed-line market
- 6.1 National telecom network
- 7. Data market
- 7.1 Data licensees
- 7.1.1 Data Telecom Services
- 7.1.2 Gulfsat Madagascar
- 7.1.1 Data Telecom Services
- 7.1 Data licensees
- 8. Broadband and Internet market
- 8.1 Overview of the Internet in Madagascar
- 8.2 Internet access locations
- 8.3 Madagascar’s ISP market
- 8.3.1 Wanadoo Madagascar (DTS)
- 8.3.1 Wanadoo Madagascar (DTS)
- 8.4 Broadband market
- 8.4.1 Overview
- 8.4.1 Overview
- 8.5 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
- 8.6 Forecast – Internet market
- 8.1 Overview of the Internet in Madagascar
- 9. Mobile communications
- 9.1 Overview of Madagascar’s mobile market
- 9.2 Major mobile operators
- 9.2.1 Celtel (formerly Madacom)
- 9.2.2 Orange Madagascar (formerly SMM)
- 9.2.3 Telma Mobile
- 9.2.1 Celtel (formerly Madacom)
- 9.3 Forecast – mobile market
- 9.1 Overview of Madagascar’s mobile market
- 10. Broadcasting market
- 10.1 Overview of broadcasting in Madagascar
- 10.1 Overview of broadcasting in Madagascar
- 11. Notes on scenario forecasts
- 12. Related reports
- Table 1 – Country statistics – 2006
- Table 2 – Telephone network statistics – 2006
- Table 3 – Internet provider statistics – 2006
- Table 4 – Internet user statistics – 2006
- Table 5 – Mobile statistics – 2007
- Table 6 – National telecommunications authorities
- Table 7 – Fixed-line network key indicators: fixed lines, teledensity and subscribers – 1995 - 2006; public payphones – 1999 - 2006; traffic – 1998 - 2005; revenue – 1998 - 2006
- Table 8 – Forecast – fixed-line and fixed-wireless subscribers – 2010; 2015
- Table 9 – Internet key indicators: users, penetration, subscribers, hosts, traffic, and revenue –1996; 1998 - 2006
- Table 10 – Forecast – Internet users – 2010; 2015
- Table 11 – Mobile operators, technology, subscribers and annual change – 2007
- Table 12 – Mobile subscribers, penetration, traffic and revenue – 1998 - 2007
- Table 13 – Forecast – mobile subscribers – 2010; 2015