
Front-end modules (FEMs) typically encompass the bumper, headlights, radiator and various others parts.

The interest in front-end modules has increased over the last ten years, partly due to the focus on vehicle safety issues and the need to comply with guidelines from the European Union (EU) for pedestrian safety.

In this, the fourth edition of this report, just-auto reviews the key market drivers for vehicle front-end modules, and updates its established market analysis and data.

Following our market overview in Chapter 1, just-auto’s product fitment historic and forecast data tables in Chapter 2 predict in some detail how the front-end module market will evolve in Europe, North America, South Korea, Japan, China, South America and other countries from 2004 through to 2014 by offering market volume and value data by major country. The chapter also reviews the supplier's latest developments, expansions and financial overviews. It also carries a section covering the latest developments in emerging markets. In addition to the market data, the chapter offers 2008 forecasts of market shares for the world, Europe, North America and Asia.

Chapter 3 provides an updated review of new product developments. This chapter includes exclusive Q&As with executives from HBPO, Decoma International and SABIC Innovative Plastics. These proprietary Q&As run to multiple pages in length and offer a true insight of what the key suppliers are planning and incorporating in their manufacturing processes.

Q&A extracts:

j-a: Do you see the North American OEMs taking a different strategy toward FEMs? What do you think has helped grow the North American market for FEMs?

HBPO: The North American OEMs are developing more and more cars with FEMs. They have seen that there is a big cost advantage and they appreciate the service we are offering. Maybe an argument for them is the successful production of the European OEMs. One advantage for HBPO in the market is that the North American OEMs give more responsibility to the system-orientated suppliers. This gives us the opportunity to offer our complete service, development and assembling directly from the beginning.

j-a: What do you think has helped grow the North American market for FEMs?

Decoma: The original North American Big Three have begun to recognise that the European and Asian OEMs have executed many of their car lines with a FEM strategy, providing best-in-class fit and finish, with significant cost and weight savings. Our customers have completed their own internal benchmarking and are questioning their past decisions.

Chapter 4 sets out profiles of the major manufactures, namely Calsonic Kansei, Decoma International, Denso, Faurecia, HBPO and Peguform. Other manufacturers include Mobis and Expert. Some of the tied manufacturers, such as Denso, are extensions of the OEMs. In terms of further market consolidation, executives from Decoma International told us: “We believe anything can happen in this environment. Becoming a global front-end module supplier requires a significant investment in human capital, which many companies simply cannot invest in until a programme is awarded. This can be an inhibitor to many up-start module suppliers.”

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 The market
Market trends
Market players
Decoma International
Hyundai Mobis
Emerging markets
Czech Republic
Market shares
North America
Market forecasts
Market value

Chapter 3 Technical review
Defining the elements
Pedestrian protection
Q&A with HBPO
Q&A with Decoma
Q&A with SABIC Innovative Plastics

Chapter 4 Manufacturers
Calsonic Kansei
Decoma International
Denso Corp
Appendix 1: Standard requirements for pedestrian protection
Appendix 2: Q&A with JSP

List of figures
Figure 1: Worldwide automotive front-end module market shares for passenger cars and light truck applications, 2008 forecast (% of volume)
Figure 2: European automotive front-end module market shares for passenger cars and light truck applications, 2008 forecast (% of volume)
Figure 3: Asia automotive front-end module market shares for passenger cars and light truck applications, 2008 forecast (% of volume)
Figure 4: NAFTA automotive front-end module market shares for passenger cars and light truck applications, 2008 forecast (% of volume)
Figure 5: Faurecia supplies the front-end module for the BMW 1 Series convertible
Figure 6: Faurecia supplies the front-end module carrier for the BMW X3
Figure 7: Faurecia supplies the front bumper for the Renault Clio II

List of tables
Table 1: Front-end module production in Europe, North America, South Korea, Japan, China, South America and other countries for passenger cars and light vehicles, 2004-2014 (units)
Table 2: Front-end module market value in Europe, North America, South Korea, Japan, China, South America and other countries for passenger cars and light vehicles, 2004-2014 (EUR‘000s)
Table 3: Faurecia’s sales by business segment, 2005-2007 (EURm and %)
Table 4: HBPO’s facilities worldwide, 2008
Table 5: HBPO’s turnover in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 (EURm)
Table 6: HBPO’s employee head-count in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007
Table 7: HBPO’s front-end module assembly volume in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 (units)